I remember the first time I went to a real comic book store. That was years ago and I say a real comic book store, I mean a real comic book store. Not like the ones over here where I grew up. Nope. The ones I went to here were shops opened by news paper vendors who decided to add a few magazines, a few books and for some laughs a few comics every once in a while. To say that some of these stores didn't really try is an understatement. You had newspapers up front, stationery, magazines and calendars and all that other stuff. If you're lucky after you passed the section containing the self help book, the romance novels and what not, you'll find a small section of comics. The conditions of the comics was always a gamble. Sometimes you'd find comics in great condition but not every time, often times they handled the comics like crap. So growing up, I didn't know what a real comic book store looked like.
Until Singapore. I found out where they were and I went to the closest one, I saw the sign and I went in, there it was my mother ship calling out to me. Wall to wall comics, pristine condition, perfectly displayed with backing board and bag. Not placed in a dark corner out of sight, out of mind but displayed proudly for all to see and most importantly to me, no price tags on the covers. I hate price tags on any comic book. That has always been and I think will continue to be my pet peeve those awful sticky price tags.
It didn't take me long to browse thru the store, I went from display to display, looking at first, touching and taking after I was sure that's what I wanted. I carried as many as I could. That's when the store owner called out to me: "You can put those here on the counter and then look some more, you know?" Yeah I was in my own little world. Comics that I had only seen in ads were right before my eyes. The latest issues were on display and I could have them all. Just as long as I had the cash. I wasn't a kid in a candy store at that time. Nope food, sweets or any other food item were not on my mind at that time, it was comics. I was a Kid In A Comic Book Store and I'll never forget that feeling. It was exhilarating and exciting all wrapped in one. I loved it and recently I had a chance to have that Kid In A Comic Book Store feeling again. I didn't ever think I would but I did.
I went a vacation recently. It had been a while since I took a real vacation, get away from work and clients and so on. My last posting was on Friday, November 13th, three days later I was on a plane to Melbourne, Australia. I had never been to Melbourne before so I figured why not? I heard so much about the city. Marvelous Melbourne. The city with the 4 seasons in one day, the weather in Melbourne was something else, the food. Oh the food was wonderful, so many varieties to choose from and all within the city. Oh the food......ummm, okay excuse me, had a food flashback there. Oh and you have to try a drink called Lemon Lime Bitters. It is just so tasty, I love it. I'm not supposed to have these drinks but I figured hey I'm on vacation, so why not??
So apart from all the tourist things I did, I knew I wanted to check out the comic book stores in Melbourne. I googled it and found more than just a few stores. With that in hand, I decided to try and find the stores and I found my first store a few days later. As a matter of fact, I was being such a tourist in Melbourne that I missed the store twice, I walked past the sign, luckily I found it.
Welcome to your Pop Culture Specialists in Melbourne. The store is called Minotaur. Cool huh? I then realized how I missed seeing this place twice, the store in located in the basement of the building. Now when I say basement, I'm not talking about some small place, no. I am talking a huge basement of a building. Let me say this again, the place is huge. When I went down the staircase, I saw sections and sections of displays. They are Pop Culture Specialists and they have just about everything and when I say everything I mean everything, comics, manga, more toys, comics, DVD's, action figures, T Shirts and just a whole lot more. They even had one section dedicated to The Big Bang Theory TV show with Sheldon Cooper T Shirts and memorabilia. Now the reason why I didn't take any shots of the store or a whole lot of picture of Minotaur was because my camera was low on batteries and I only took two shots here. Yeah, yeah I know I'm an idiot for not having a spare battery.
This was the guy I met at the check out counter after I spent a lotta time in the store. I just went back and forth looking at all the comics they had, the latest comics, the trade paper backs, they were all there. I made my choice and walked up to the check out counter. Suddenly I had that feeling I had as a kid visiting my first ever comic book store again. It was great. Okay here's what I bought.
Invincible Iron Man # 1, I know I reviewed this issue about a month ago (I think) and I already read the digital copy but it looked so beautiful on the shelf and when i went to pick it up, I realized the cover is a wrap around cover and it was printed on a heavy card stock cover (or something like that) and it was just so beautiful, I grabbed it and just made up my mind to buy it. Then I saw this issue:
It was the first issue of Justice League Of America by Bryan Hitch. Now I know I said that I have given up on DC Comics, well most of DC Comics but I still read Batman....and then there's.....err....Yeah I read Batman. Justice League Of America (JLA) is the other I started following. Why? Bryan Hitch. I grabbed this one and then I saw these.
And just when I thought I had all the comics I wanted, I saw this.
Amazing Spider Man # 1 with the Alex Ross cover. Wow. I grabbed this one as well and decided that's it, I had to leave or I might end up buying more than I could afford. I still needed money for well food and stuff. I took my haul to the counter and struck up a conversation. I told the guy behind the counter that it was a great feeling for me to see the store cause back home, all the stores closed down and well, there was just nowhere else to go for comics. He said: "That's sad, we started in the 1980's and just kept growing ever since." and then he said since I came such a long way, he gave me a little discount. I walked out of that store feeling really happy. It was a long walk back to my hotel but I didn't mind, I had what I wanted, I found Minotaur and I was feeling like a kid again.
You guys in Melbourne are really lucky you have so many different comic book stores in your city. so if you're ever in Melbourne, Australia, visit Minotaur, your Pop Culture Specialists. So is that the end of my little adventure in Melbourne, not quite.
Two days later I found myself without a lot to do, I figured I would just wander around in the city and see the sights. Well Lo and behold I found another Comic Book Store.
This store was a little easier to find as it was located on the first floor of a mall. I raced up the stairs, eager to check this place out. I found out later that this store Comics R Us is a city branch as in it's located right smack in the heart of Melbourne.
When I opened the door to Comics R us, this was what I saw. It's a lot smaller than Minotaur but it had so many many comics, trade paper backs, T Shirts and toys and just so much more.
Look at all the stuff they had on display. I was so very tempted to get so many things but I controlled myself and bought just a few items. Like this one, Invincible Iron Man # 2 Variant Cover. Ain't it pretty?
Oh and they offered me this issue, a variant edition of Secret Wars # 1 by Esad Ribic. Wow, needless to say I grabbed it. I was really happy with my purchase at Comics R Us. The guys behind the counter were really friendly and helpful. They even asked if I had been to any other store, if I didn't I should check them out.
Look!! Discount Trade Paperbacks, just look at all the stuff they had. In all the excitement getting the comics, taking the random shots of the store, I completely forgot to take a shot of the guys behind the counter or even have a shot with them. I'm a dunce, I know. Again if ever you're in Melbourne, pay these guys a visit as well. They're right in the city and you can google their location, easy to find. Better yet, here's their website www.comicsrus.com.au
Vacations can be a gamble, sometimes it's a great getaway and sometimes not so much but this one was great, Melbourne is a great place to visit and I'm especially happy with this trip as I got to be that Kid again who walked into a comic book store and went nuts. I'm a little older now, well a lot older and I can still feel like a kid again, that's something I will cherish.
I was for a few minutes a Kid In A Comic Book Store again recently, it was great. Hope you'll have an experience like that as well. Thanks for dropping by for the 61st Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, I appreciate you taking the time to read this broadcast of mine and I hope to see you again soon, until next time, take care.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
The 60th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: My Introduction to The Teen Titans!!
I can still remember the day I laid eyes on my first ever Teen Titans comic. It was like discovering a whole new world and for me at the time, it was. The writing was different, the artwork was intricate, stunningly beautiful and sharp. I referred to it as crisp due to the lack of a better word. That was my introduction to the team called The Teen Titans, well actually when I first read the comic, it was The New Teen Titans!
Welcome to the 60th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: My Introduction to The Teen Titans. What a discovery it was too, for anyone who has read this blog of mine, you'd know that I am a Marvel guy. One of my first comics ever was an issue of Fantastic Four. Then it was The Amazing Spider Man. Sure I had a copy of Batman in there but it was Batman, everyone knew who Batman is. But The Teen Titans? I had no idea who they were, I knew who the X Men are but at the time I had no idea who the Teen Titans were but I found out. Fast. Here's my first issue of The Teen Titans. And it's a beauty of a comic, it truly is.
There you have it, Tales Of The Teen Titans # 3, the fourth book: Finale in the Judas Contract. Did I know that this book 4 Finale was the finale for a story line called The Judas Contract. I did not. I just knew that this was not a Marvel comic, this was different and a good different. Boy I had a great time reading this book, I must have read it, oh I don't know a lotta times. You can tell by the condition this copy is in. The tape on the spine of the book is no longer there cause it has deteriorated so much, it came off after I picked it up a while ago. I wish I had kept this book in better condition.
Okay, on to the issue itself, the cover was penciled and inked by George Perez, so it's safe to say that this was my introduction to this talented artist by the name of George Perez. I became a fan and still am a huge fan to this day. The issue was written by Marv Wolfman and co plotted by George Perez. Perez did the pencils, inked by Mike DeCarlo. Now I gotta be very honest here, after this issue, I found more issue of the Teen Titans and I really liked Perez's artwork BUT I did not like some of the inkers who inked over his pencils like Mike DeCarlo. In all fairness, he is a good inker, I just think that the best inker to ink Perez's work is George Perez. Now that's my opinion but I felt that while DeCarlo did a good job, it just didn't bring out the best in Perez's pencils. I could be wrong but after seeing other inkers and Perez himself inking his own pencils, I just felt that this issue would have been better if Perez had been inking his own work.
But despite all that, this issue was just a tremendously great issue for me. At the time I was having such a great time reading it, that I missed out on the fact that this is the finale of a story line. No wonder it felt like I walked into a cinema just before the credits came up. This was the finale when the Titans learn the truth behind Terra and how she infiltrated and ultimately almost defeated the Titans, things however didn't go the way Terra had planned and the Titans would defeat the H.I.V.E's plans.
The Judas Contract was the most notable story line of the 1980's. It involved a character called Deathstroke The Terminator who takes on a contract to kill the Titans to fulfill a job his son had
been unable to complete. This led to "The Judas Contract", in Tales of the Teen Titans #42-44 and this issue Tales Of The Teen Titans Annual #3. One of the central characters was a psychotic girl named Terra (Tara Markhov). She had the power to manipulate earth and all earth-related materials. She
infiltrates the Titans in order to destroy them. It was during this time that Dick Grayson a.k.a Robin adopts the new identity of Nightwing. I thought that this issue was Nightwing's first appearance, nope that would be in issue # 44 of The New Teen Titans. The Judas Contract also witnessed Wally West giving up his Kid Flash persona and quits the Titans. It also featured the introduction of a new member in the person of Jericho, Deathstroke's other son.
Terra would prove to be a powerful adversary than anyone would have ever imagined, not even Deathstroke had any idea just how dangerous Tara or Terra was.
Yeah I remember reading these pages over and over. Thanks to this issue, I had to find the other books to find out how it all happened, how the Judas Contract started and boy I was glad I did.
What happened to Tara Markhov? Well, if you have not had the chance to read the Judas Contract, do yourself a favor and find it and read it. It's one of those great collaborations that really don't happen all that often anymore. Once I finished reading this issue, I kept my eye out for more Teen Titans and I decided to try and find the Judas Contract issues. I knew which issues they were and started to look for them. Years later I found one issue which was a starting point for this story line. It was this issue.
This is The New Teen Titans # 39. Written and co plotted by Marv Wolfman, George Perez co plotted and penciled this issue, inked by Romeo Thanghal (here's an inker who worked well with George Perez). In this issue, The Titans destroyed a Brother Blood outpost, Kid Flash leaves the Teen Titans. Dick Grayson decides he can no longer be Robin and begins the process that will eventually turn him into Nightwing, while all this happens, wheels are set in motion pushing The Titans towards the events of The Judas Contract.
Just look at that artwork, the detail in that first page, which brings us to this page or rather these pages.
Now that's what I call great artwork from George Perez and Romeo Thanghal. The more I read this issue and saw the art from Perez and Thanghal, the more I wanted to find issues of Teen Titans. Remember when I said not even Deathstroke knew just how powerful and dangerous Terra is, well, he found out in this issue.
After Deathstroke found out just how dangerous she is, The Titans would find out in this next issue.
Book 1 of the Judas Contract, Terra gathers intelligence for Deathstroke on The Titans as they feel the power of Terra.
The only one who had an inkling about how dangerous Tara Markhov is was Raven who sensed her hatred. Her words Do Not Antagonize Her was a real warning of things to come.
Tales Of The Teen Titans # 43, Book 2: Betrayal. Deathstroke attacks Dick Grayson in his secret identity. Dick escapes and learns that Deathstroke and Terra have captured the rest of the Teen Titans and delivered them to H.I.V.E.
Again if you have not read Judas Contract, try and find it cause Book 2 has some really great pages by George Perez and Dick Giordiano. No spoilers here, you gotta read this story line. Which brings us to:
Tales Of The Teen Titans # 44. Book 3: There Shall Come A Titan. In this issue, Adeline Wilson tells Dick Grayson of the origin of Deathstroke. Dick assumes the name Nightwing for the first time. We also get to meet Jericho, Joseph Wilson, Deathstroke's other son.
I consider myself really lucky that I found Tales Of The Teen Titans Annual # 3 when I did. i only wish that I had not read Judas Contract the way I did which was backwards. I read Book 4 first. Yeah normal comic book readers wouldn't do that but I always seem to have that kinda luck I guess. The Teen Titans was one extremely enjoyable comic for me, to introduce me to the work of Marv Wolfman and George Perez. The Teen Titans broadened my world of comics, showing me that the world of comics is so diverse and colorful.
Unfortunately I stopped reading Teen Titans completely after DC Comics' New 52 version of the team came out. While I appreciate and understand that DC needs to change and evolve and re introduce the team to new fans, I was really disappointed with the New 52 Titans.
The Judas Contract won the Comics Buyers Guide Fan Award for "Favorite Comic Book Story of 1984" which to me says a lot about the quality of the title back when Wolfman and Perez were at the helm.
Thanks for dropping by for the 60th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, it was a double sized edition of the broadcast being that it's the 60th broadcast. I hope you liked it and I hope you'll come back for more next time. Until then, as always Thank you and Take Care.
Welcome to the 60th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: My Introduction to The Teen Titans. What a discovery it was too, for anyone who has read this blog of mine, you'd know that I am a Marvel guy. One of my first comics ever was an issue of Fantastic Four. Then it was The Amazing Spider Man. Sure I had a copy of Batman in there but it was Batman, everyone knew who Batman is. But The Teen Titans? I had no idea who they were, I knew who the X Men are but at the time I had no idea who the Teen Titans were but I found out. Fast. Here's my first issue of The Teen Titans. And it's a beauty of a comic, it truly is.
There you have it, Tales Of The Teen Titans # 3, the fourth book: Finale in the Judas Contract. Did I know that this book 4 Finale was the finale for a story line called The Judas Contract. I did not. I just knew that this was not a Marvel comic, this was different and a good different. Boy I had a great time reading this book, I must have read it, oh I don't know a lotta times. You can tell by the condition this copy is in. The tape on the spine of the book is no longer there cause it has deteriorated so much, it came off after I picked it up a while ago. I wish I had kept this book in better condition.
Okay, on to the issue itself, the cover was penciled and inked by George Perez, so it's safe to say that this was my introduction to this talented artist by the name of George Perez. I became a fan and still am a huge fan to this day. The issue was written by Marv Wolfman and co plotted by George Perez. Perez did the pencils, inked by Mike DeCarlo. Now I gotta be very honest here, after this issue, I found more issue of the Teen Titans and I really liked Perez's artwork BUT I did not like some of the inkers who inked over his pencils like Mike DeCarlo. In all fairness, he is a good inker, I just think that the best inker to ink Perez's work is George Perez. Now that's my opinion but I felt that while DeCarlo did a good job, it just didn't bring out the best in Perez's pencils. I could be wrong but after seeing other inkers and Perez himself inking his own pencils, I just felt that this issue would have been better if Perez had been inking his own work.
Terra would prove to be a powerful adversary than anyone would have ever imagined, not even Deathstroke had any idea just how dangerous Tara or Terra was.
Yeah I remember reading these pages over and over. Thanks to this issue, I had to find the other books to find out how it all happened, how the Judas Contract started and boy I was glad I did.
What happened to Tara Markhov? Well, if you have not had the chance to read the Judas Contract, do yourself a favor and find it and read it. It's one of those great collaborations that really don't happen all that often anymore. Once I finished reading this issue, I kept my eye out for more Teen Titans and I decided to try and find the Judas Contract issues. I knew which issues they were and started to look for them. Years later I found one issue which was a starting point for this story line. It was this issue.
This is The New Teen Titans # 39. Written and co plotted by Marv Wolfman, George Perez co plotted and penciled this issue, inked by Romeo Thanghal (here's an inker who worked well with George Perez). In this issue, The Titans destroyed a Brother Blood outpost, Kid Flash leaves the Teen Titans. Dick Grayson decides he can no longer be Robin and begins the process that will eventually turn him into Nightwing, while all this happens, wheels are set in motion pushing The Titans towards the events of The Judas Contract.
Just look at that artwork, the detail in that first page, which brings us to this page or rather these pages.
Now that's what I call great artwork from George Perez and Romeo Thanghal. The more I read this issue and saw the art from Perez and Thanghal, the more I wanted to find issues of Teen Titans. Remember when I said not even Deathstroke knew just how powerful and dangerous Terra is, well, he found out in this issue.
After Deathstroke found out just how dangerous she is, The Titans would find out in this next issue.
Book 1 of the Judas Contract, Terra gathers intelligence for Deathstroke on The Titans as they feel the power of Terra.
The only one who had an inkling about how dangerous Tara Markhov is was Raven who sensed her hatred. Her words Do Not Antagonize Her was a real warning of things to come.
Tales Of The Teen Titans # 43, Book 2: Betrayal. Deathstroke attacks Dick Grayson in his secret identity. Dick escapes and learns that Deathstroke and Terra have captured the rest of the Teen Titans and delivered them to H.I.V.E.
Again if you have not read Judas Contract, try and find it cause Book 2 has some really great pages by George Perez and Dick Giordiano. No spoilers here, you gotta read this story line. Which brings us to:
Tales Of The Teen Titans # 44. Book 3: There Shall Come A Titan. In this issue, Adeline Wilson tells Dick Grayson of the origin of Deathstroke. Dick assumes the name Nightwing for the first time. We also get to meet Jericho, Joseph Wilson, Deathstroke's other son.
I consider myself really lucky that I found Tales Of The Teen Titans Annual # 3 when I did. i only wish that I had not read Judas Contract the way I did which was backwards. I read Book 4 first. Yeah normal comic book readers wouldn't do that but I always seem to have that kinda luck I guess. The Teen Titans was one extremely enjoyable comic for me, to introduce me to the work of Marv Wolfman and George Perez. The Teen Titans broadened my world of comics, showing me that the world of comics is so diverse and colorful.
Unfortunately I stopped reading Teen Titans completely after DC Comics' New 52 version of the team came out. While I appreciate and understand that DC needs to change and evolve and re introduce the team to new fans, I was really disappointed with the New 52 Titans.
The Judas Contract won the Comics Buyers Guide Fan Award for "Favorite Comic Book Story of 1984" which to me says a lot about the quality of the title back when Wolfman and Perez were at the helm.
Thanks for dropping by for the 60th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, it was a double sized edition of the broadcast being that it's the 60th broadcast. I hope you liked it and I hope you'll come back for more next time. Until then, as always Thank you and Take Care.
Friday, 13 November 2015
The 59th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: Alpha Flight, Canada's Elite!
Canada's Elite! I like that. I saw that once, it was how this team was introduced Alpha Flight, Canada's Elite Super Hero Team. I remember the first team I ever read an issue of Alpha Flight. I think an old buddy of mine and I shared this comic book. Yeah we thought sharing comics was a novel idea those days, yeah it's not such a great idea. I know when I had, I read it from cover to cover and yes, very much like the other comics this buddy of mine shared with me, I....well, I traced over the pages so that I could draw Vindicator of Guardian if you like. I like both names. Anyway I pretty much destroyed that comic but I still have it, guess I bought it entirely from my buddy, it's in terrible, terrible shape but that issue of Alpha Flight has so many great memories for me. Okay, here we go, here's my first issue of Alpha Flight.
There it is, Alpha Flight Issue # 4. Just looking at the cover brings back the memories of reading this comic. At the time I wasn't familiar with the names of the writers or artists doing comics. I just knew that this guy also draws the Fantastic Four and I couldn't be happier because at the time I was a huge John Byrne fan. As time went by I learned that hey, there are names of creators in every comic book I bought. So yeah, when I realized that this is a comic written and drawn by the guy who wrote and drew Fantastic Four, I was a happy comic nerd. Welcome to the 59th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, this edition of the broadcast is all about Alpha Flight. I loved this issue. Which is evident in the state it's in. I tore off the damned price tag (I hate store owners who put those damned price tags on comics) and unfortunately there were still some glue residue from the price tag on the cover. The pages inside the cover is holding on by a thread. The cover is very badly nicked and torn almost every inch of this comic is in BAD shape but I still LOVE it. It's my first Alpha Flight comic and it'll always be special.
Okay, it took me a while but I realized that John Byrne was writing and penciling this title as well. How did I know? Well, genius that I am, I saw the first page and put two and two together. what can I say, I was young, I was naive but man, I loved comics.
I was surprised to see The Invisible Woman in this comic and I was like, Wow. The art was the first thing that hit me, as I mentioned, I am a huge John Byrne fan and for me this was beautiful. To this day when I read this issue, I still enjoy this issue, the story and art by John Byrne. Flipping the page, I found that there was another guest star in this issue, none other than Prince Namor of Atlantis, The Sub Mariner. At the time I was learning all the names of the characters and starting to really get into comics, so seeing guests stars in other comics was a thrill, you see back in the day, guest stars in comics was a big thing, it was a special event.
Okay before we go any further, some details on this issue, The Master of the World explains Marrina's alien origins to her; Alpha Flight rescues her and destroys the Master's base; Marrina meets Namor and decides to live with the Atlanteans for a while. The issue marked the first meeting of Namor and Marrina (the two later go on to get married).
Why was this issue so special and memorable to me? Well, because of pages like the one above. I realized that if I wanted to know how they team landed where they were, I should probably find Issue # 3 but at the time I was just enthralled with Byrne's art here. Sure I had seen his art on Fantastic Four but some how it was just different for me seeing him draw this team.
See Vindicator of Guardian on the top left corner of this page? Well, I traced over that page with a pencil so many times that the page began to rip. I can see the pencils all over the pages of this issue. This was my introduction to a great series called Alpha Flight.
There it is, Alpha Flight Issue # 4. Just looking at the cover brings back the memories of reading this comic. At the time I wasn't familiar with the names of the writers or artists doing comics. I just knew that this guy also draws the Fantastic Four and I couldn't be happier because at the time I was a huge John Byrne fan. As time went by I learned that hey, there are names of creators in every comic book I bought. So yeah, when I realized that this is a comic written and drawn by the guy who wrote and drew Fantastic Four, I was a happy comic nerd. Welcome to the 59th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, this edition of the broadcast is all about Alpha Flight. I loved this issue. Which is evident in the state it's in. I tore off the damned price tag (I hate store owners who put those damned price tags on comics) and unfortunately there were still some glue residue from the price tag on the cover. The pages inside the cover is holding on by a thread. The cover is very badly nicked and torn almost every inch of this comic is in BAD shape but I still LOVE it. It's my first Alpha Flight comic and it'll always be special.
Okay, it took me a while but I realized that John Byrne was writing and penciling this title as well. How did I know? Well, genius that I am, I saw the first page and put two and two together. what can I say, I was young, I was naive but man, I loved comics.
I was surprised to see The Invisible Woman in this comic and I was like, Wow. The art was the first thing that hit me, as I mentioned, I am a huge John Byrne fan and for me this was beautiful. To this day when I read this issue, I still enjoy this issue, the story and art by John Byrne. Flipping the page, I found that there was another guest star in this issue, none other than Prince Namor of Atlantis, The Sub Mariner. At the time I was learning all the names of the characters and starting to really get into comics, so seeing guests stars in other comics was a thrill, you see back in the day, guest stars in comics was a big thing, it was a special event.
Okay before we go any further, some details on this issue, The Master of the World explains Marrina's alien origins to her; Alpha Flight rescues her and destroys the Master's base; Marrina meets Namor and decides to live with the Atlanteans for a while. The issue marked the first meeting of Namor and Marrina (the two later go on to get married).
Why was this issue so special and memorable to me? Well, because of pages like the one above. I realized that if I wanted to know how they team landed where they were, I should probably find Issue # 3 but at the time I was just enthralled with Byrne's art here. Sure I had seen his art on Fantastic Four but some how it was just different for me seeing him draw this team.
See Vindicator of Guardian on the top left corner of this page? Well, I traced over that page with a pencil so many times that the page began to rip. I can see the pencils all over the pages of this issue. This was my introduction to a great series called Alpha Flight.
Alpha Flight is a team
published by Marvel Comics, this title is noteworthy for being one of the few Canadian Superhero
teams. Alpha Flight was created by John Byrne, now I read that someone said the team was created by Byrne and Chris Claremont but that's not correct, Alpha Flight was Byrne's creation. The team first appeared in Issue #120 of The Uncanny X Men.
Alpha Flight is described as "Canada's answer to the Mighty Avengers of the USA". Most team members have distinctly Canadian
attributes, such as Inuit or First Nations
heritage. Throughout most of its history, the team has worked for Department H a
fictional branch of Canada’s Department of National Defense, a department that deals with super-powered villains.
team was originally merely a part of Wolverine's backstory but, in 1983, Marvel launched an series
featuring the group, which continued until 1994, lasting 130 issues as well as
annuals and miniseries. After that there were revivals, If memory serves there were three
short-lived revivals attempted but in my opinion none of them really came close of the run by John Byrne.
This is the double sized first issue of Alpha Flight. I love this cover, as Guardian and the rest of Alpha Flight tells the heroes of the Marvel Universe that this is a job that only Alpha Flight can handle. The cover was penciled by John Byrne and Inked by Terry Austin. In this double sized first issue, Canada's elite government superhero team is reunited to fight an ancient demigod that draws its power from the land itself.
This issue was Alpha Flight's first solo Alpha Flight story. Alpha Flight first appeared in X-Men #120.

The initial makeup of Alpha Flight was
pan-Canadian, including:
Guardian,originally he was Weapon Alpha, then
Vindicator, James MacDonald Hudson is a scientist from Ontario who wears a battle armor allowing him to fly and manipulate
Earth's magnetic field. Guardian is sometimes the team leader, and wears a
stylized maple leaf flag on his costume.
Northstar: Jean-Paul Beaubier, from Montreal, he's a mutant with powers of super-speed and light generation.
The Lovely Aurora Jeanne-Marie Beaubier is Northstar's twin sister who suffers from a multiple personalities disorder. Like her brother, she is also a mutant with powers of
super-speed, flight, light generation, and molecular acceleration.
Sasquatch: Walter Langowski is a scientist from
British Columbia who can transform into a giant
fur-covered beast resembling a Sasquatch. This character originally developed his powers from
a Hulk-inspired gamma radiation experiment that
was affected by a solar-flare. Eventually, it was explained that Sasquatch is
actually a mystical monster.
Michael Twoyoungmen is a First Nations medicine man
from Calgary.
He is both a skilled doctor and sorcerer.
Snowbird: Also known as Narya, she is an Inuit demi-goddess from Yellowknife, who can
transform into animals of the north.
An amphibious woman from Newfoundland, she was a former member of Beta Flight
before joining Alpha Flight. She is actually part of an extraterrestrial
invading force known as the Plodex.
Eugene Judd is a dwarf bouncer from Saskatoon
with enhanced strength and extraordinary acrobatic abilities.
It was actually reported that when the series was planned, Byrne was tapped to be the writer/ artist on this title, he was hesitant to do it. I later found out that Byrne was hesitant because he felt that Alpha Flight was originally created to lose to the X Men. Though reluctant to take the job, John Byrne wrote and drew the series for 28 issues before handing it off
to another creative team. During that time, the series storylines
generally dealt with the personal problems of one or two characters at a
time, seldom bringing all the members together or confronting problems
outside of the team itself, an approach which drew some criticism.
That's Tundra by the way. Even thought the storylines drew some heat from fans, I liked it, it was a unique way of telling the story of a super hero team, one where not all the members would be in the same issue, it could be Sasquatch with Puck and Marrina or Northstar with Shaman and Guardian tackling a problem, it was to me different and unique which is why I loved Alpha Flight, well Byrne's run on Alpha Flight. All 28 issue of it.
Take a look at Alpha Flight's powerhouse ripping away at Tundra. In issue # 1 , the team took down Tundra thanks to the combined might of the team but there was one member who was unceremoniously left out of the action. Puck.
Yep, Puck was left out of the big adventure in Issue # 1 and he had his own unique way of dealing with it and getting the point across to Guardian that he wants to be in Alpha Flight. I spent a few years tracking down the entire run of Alpha Flight but I still have not found all the issue of Alpha Flight especially Issue # 1. This issue remains as one of my Holy Grail items. One day I hope to be able to own the complete run of John Byrne on this title.
While the creator of the team felt that they were put together to lose to the X Men those days, I believe that Alpha Flight was a great comic. It had it all, great stories, beautiful artwork and a unique framework. They were a team yes but they didn't always need to be together like say the X Men, Fantastic Four and Avengers. The members could come and go and still be Alpha Flight. I found that to be one of the attractions of this title. After Byrne left the title in a title swap with the team from The Incredible Hulk, I kinda lost track of the team, a number of series were released over the years with costume changes, new members, returning member and so on but the title just wasn't the same for me anymore. It just didn't seem like the Alpha Flight of old. I guess you can't expect the title to stay in the old days, there needs to be changes and the team has to evolve but for me the original is still the best.
This is just the first part of my look at this great comic, I'll have more for you next time as I continue with my thoughts on Canada's Elite Super Hero team, Alpha Flight. Thanks for dropping by for the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, see you next time, as usual thanks and take care!
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