Welcome to the 80th Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast. Wow, my 80th post. Thanks for your support, I personally never thought that this blog of mine would even reach 20 posts let alone 80. It's been quite a strange journey, I've had to stop and restart this blog of mine a few times, I'm hoping to keep this going for as long as I can. Okay on to the B'Cast and this time around is a look at the Art of George Perez.
His name is George Perez. A truly talented artist and writer. He's known for his intricate artwork on titles like The Avengers, Teen Titans, Wonder Woman and list goes on and on. He started out in comics as the assistant to Rich Buckler and made his professional debut in a comics called Astonishing Tales # 25.
He soon became a Marvel regular. he worked with writer Bill Mantlo on Sons Of The Tiger from Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu magazine. Here's a fun fact I didn't know about Perez. He and Mantlo co-created the character White Tiger who was Marvel's first Puerto Rican Superhero.
Perez would later move on to other titles like Creatures On The Loose, Man-Wolf, The Inhumans, Fantastic Four and more. He came to prominence on The Avengers with Issue # 141.
Here's a look at George Perez and his run on The Avengers.
Sometime in 1980, while he was still drawing The Avengers for Marvel Comics, Perez began working for their rival DC Comics. Offered the art chores for the launch of The New Teen Titans with Marv Wolfman.
George Perez and Marv Wolfman created some truly memorable story arcs during their run on this title. While this offer to draw The New Teen Titans was something that proved to be a good choice for Perez, he really wanted to be the artist on a different title. The real incentive for Perez was the opportunity to draw Justice League of America. This was Perez's ambition which "seemed like a natural progress after drawing The Avengers. Here's a look at the cover from Justice League of America by George Perez, starting with issue # 184
This is just a small collection of Perez's covers on JLA. While his run on JLA was popular with fans, it was his run on the New Teen Titans that his career really took off. This incarnation of the Titans was intended to be DC's answer to Marvel's increasingly popular X-Men. The New Teen Titans was a sure fire hit. Perez and Wolfman had struck gold.
It was during this time that Perez's artwork, his layouts, details, and faces improved enormously during his four years on
the book, making him one of the most popular artists in comics even to this day.
Perez would later took a leave of absence from The New Teen Titans to concentrate on a project with Marv Wolfman in 1984, a project for DC Comics' 50th Anniversary celebration called Crisis On Infinite Earths but that's a story for a future edition of the B'Cast. Will I have more on George Perez, you bet! There's still Wonder Woman to cover, there's Infinity Gauntlet, War Of The Gods and let's not forget JLA Vs The Avengers and more.....oh so much more. Thanks for joining me for this, the 80th Edition of The Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast where we took a look at the Art of George Perez.
I'll see you again for the next edition of the B'Cast, until then, take care.