Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Your 109th Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast.

Your Co(s)mically inclined ComicBook B'Cast is back with more comic book goodness just for you.
Have a look at this cover.
Here we have the cover to The Adventures of Superman # 568 published in June of 1999 featuring the art of Tom Grummett and Dennis Rodier.
Thanks for dropping by.

Your 108th Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast.

Hey Comic Fans! Welcome back to another edition of the B'Cast. Glad you could drop by.
Here's a cover from an issue of The Incredible Hulk. Have a look.
This is the cover to The Incredible Hulk # 280 by Steve Leialoha, published in February of 1983.
Thanks for having a look.  See you again soon.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Your 107th Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast.

Here's a beautifully painted cover to Black Panther # 2 by Mark Tex Texeira.
This issue was published in December 1998 under Marcel's Marvel Knights banner. On the cover is T'Challa, the Black Panther and Mephisto.

Your 106th Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast.

Hey there Comic Fans.
How's your day?
Here's a cover I love.  It was taken from a comic published in 1980. Here it is:
This is the cover to Marvel Premiere # 55 featuring Wonder Man.
Cover art by Ron Wilson and Joe Sinnott.
This is Simon Williams' first solo saga as he takes on Dreadnaught.
Beautiful cover by Ron Wilson and Joe Sinnott.

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Your 105th Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast!

Hi there Comic Fans!
Here's a beautiful cover to Black Panther # 1 by Mark Tex Texeira.
In this first issue of Marvel Knights Black Panther, T'Challa leaves behind unrest among refugees in Wakanda, the Black Panther comes to New York to investigate the Tomorrow Fund.
Written by Christopher Priest and bbeautiful artwork by Mark Tex Texeira.

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Your 104th Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast!

Hi there,  welcome back to your Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast.
"Call of the Cat King! "
This is the cover to The Black Panther # 13 published in December of 1999 by Sal Velluto, Bob Almond and colors by Atomic Paintbrush.
In this issue, the Black Panther searches for Monica Lynne in Wakanda. Hydro-Man hijacks a plane carrying Dzhokhar Gapon. T'Challa returns to New York and names Everett Ross his regent. In Chicago, Chante Giovanni Brown, aka "Queen Divine Justice", is contacted by a Wakandan representative to come to New York to join the Dora Milaje.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Your 103rd Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast

Have a look at this beautiful piece.
This is a piece by Joseph Michael Linsner paying tribute to Jack the King Kirby.
Here's The Invincible Iron Man by Joseph Michael Linsner.
Thanks for dropping by and having a look at this beautiful piece.
See you again next time.
The Comicbookbroadcaster

Your 116th Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast.

Here's a blast from the past. It's a classic featuring my favorite wall crawler and one of my favorite super-villains. This is t...