Hi, welcome to the Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast.
Here's a look at something I started on my Facebook page also called The Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast (Original I know).
I've been a fan of John Byrne for many years now. I love what he did on The Uncanny X-Men, Fantastic Four, The Avengers and many many other titles. So I started something called The BYRNE FILES to showcase some, just some of his work. I don't own these pieces of work (I wish I did, believe you me) but I don't. My purpose is to share with any fans of John Byrne out there. I understand that there are people out there who are NOT fans and I understand. No one likes or shares the same passion and I can understand.
I started out just posting the work of John Byrne on my Facebook page. Here's the link (hope it works)
Once you get there, you'll see some of my posts. Enjoy.
Anyway here's to my sharing for today, The BYRNE FILES: THE DARK PHOENIX SAGA.
This is just one of the many memorable stories John Byrne was a part of. The Dark Phoenix Saga. I believe any comicbook fan would know this storyline. I'm not doing a review of this storyline, just showing you some beautiful artwork. Here's the artwork by John Byrne and Terry Austin.
The cover and splash page from The Uncanny X-Men # 134 by John Byrne (penciler and co-plotter) and Terry Austin (Inker)
The cover and splash page from The Uncanny X-Men # 136 by Chris Claremont (writer and co-plotter), art by John Byrne (penciler and co-plotter) and Terry Austin (Inker)
One of my favorite issues of the Uncanny X-Men by Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin. Issue # 133. Wolverine Lashes Out! Love John Byrne's work here.
All of these issues and pages were all leading up to the Dark Phoenix Saga (as you all know)
The cover to The Uncanny X-Men # 132 by John Byrne and Terry Austin.
More beautiful pages by John Byrne and Terry Austin.
I believe that there are many other blogs out there who would be better able to talk about the Dark Phoenix Storyline and how significant it is and how historical it is and I believe so too. I loved the Dark Phoenix Saga. My blog is about sharing artwork and in this case the art of John Byrne.
Thanks for dropping by. Hope you liked this edition of the B'Cast. See you again next time. As always take care Comic fans!!