Saturday, 11 July 2015

The 36th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: Secret Wars Part 3.

Yeah it's the final part of Secret Wars.  The third and final part.  I'm doing this while reading the news that's coming out of the San Diego Comic Con.  SDCC is the big one for comic fans, movie fans, just about anyone who's into comics, toys and movies and so on.  Hard to imagine that at one point in time, only 300 over fans turned up for SDCC.  Personally I have never been to SDCC, I just read about it, maybe one day, one day.

Welcome to the 36th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast.  Thanks for dropping by.  For the past two editions of the broadcast, I was going thru what I called the most significant 12 issue Limited Series in comics, certainly an event that started off the summer big events for comics.  Ever since then, we've been treated to a major cross over event each year.  Yeah I am talking about Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars.

Now did you know that apart from the groundbreaking 12 issue comic books, Secret Wars was also about toys?  Here's proof, a Marvel House Ad.

Action figures were certainly the most prominent promotional items that sprung from the Secret Wars franchise. When people think of Secret Wars merchandise, this is most often what they think of. Interestingly, it was the toys that inspired everything else. According to former Marvel Editor-In-Chief Jim Shooter, Mattel came to Marvel with the title "Secret Wars." Thus, comic series was born. And with it came these memorable Marvel figures.

The figures were Marvel's answer to Kenner's DC Super Powers line also launched in 1984. The Secret Wars figures were articulated only at the shoulders, hips and neck and had no special "action feature" (Super Powers figures had both knee joints and built in action features). 

All figures came with "Secret Shields." The Heroes came with round shields and the Villains came with square shields. These shields came with a series of two-sided inserts that changed the scene when tilted. With a few notable exceptions, the most figures came with few other accessories and the accessories that were present (e.g., guns) were reused frequently.
Here's an odd one, Daredevil was not part of Secret Wars on Battleworld but here he is with a Secret Wars Secret Shield.  Hmmmm.  Now Despite come shortcomings, these figures remain fan favorites. And in 1984, they were the only game in town. While many of these figures were destined for better versions in later lines, the Secret Wars figures represent a nostaligic era for Marvel toys. It was the first real marriage of Marvel comics and toys. Not too shabby.

Now I never saw these toys, ever.  Again either they were sold out or the toy stores which were miniscule didn't carry these toys.  It would be years before I would come across these items.  Same thing happened with the comics, it took me years to get them but I loved reading them.  Okay, let's get to the remaining four pulse pounding issues of Secret Wars.
Secret Wars # 9 featured a cover by Mike Zeck and Bob McLeod.  Mike Zeck and John Beatty supplied the interior art.  In this issue, The X-Men reunite with the rest of the heroes as they make a last ditch effort to prevent Galactus from eating Battleworld; Spidey gets used to his new black costume; Dr. Doom rescues Klaw from the heroes base and begins to put his final plan into action; Weak and needing energy to continue his efforts, Galactus begins to consume his world ship. Things get really tense as the action heats up to a finale which brings us to issue # 10.
 And boy what an issue!! As Galactus eats his word ship for energy, Dr. Doom uses a set of lenses he has devised from the body of Klaw to suck the energy into himself; Now supremely powerful, Doom confronts the Beyonder himself in ultimate battle; The heroes are shaken as Battleworld begins falling apart; Just as things look hopeless, Doom arrives, in a way that shocks just about everyone, clad in his new armor, I wont say anymore, suffice to say that Doom knows how to make an entrance, he proclaims he has beaten the Beyonder and assures our heroes that there is no reason to fight as the Secret War is over.  The cover is by Mike Zeck and Terry Austin.  One of if not the best cover in this limited series.  Only two more issues to go.
I believe this issue features the first appearance of Dr. Doom's new armor.  I remember reading that Mattel had a number of other requirements for Secret Wars. Doctor Doom, they said, looked too medieval. His armor would have to be made more high-tech. So would Iron Man’s, because their focus groups indicated that kids reacted positively...etc. Okay.  This issue also showed Dr. Doom's repaired face.  Hence the title The Face of Doom. Doom explains that the Beyonder is dead and now he has ultimate power in the universe; Molecule Man attacks Doom and is shown the true potential of his powers; Molecule Man and the villains move to the area of Battleworld that was pulled from Denver and Owen shoots the bad guys into space to return to earth; The heroes rest in Doombase and a mysterious beam first invades Hulk and then transfers to Spider-Woman; Colossus spends the night with Zsaji; Doom summons the heroes to his new tower and offers to grant their wishes but they decline; The force inhabiting Spider-Woman transfers itself to Klaw; The heroes decide that Doom with the Beyonder's powers is too dangerous to exist and choose to battle him one last time; As the last vote is cast, (spoiler alert) they are destroyed in a gigantic explosion. Now that was a cliffhanger.

Now if I had not bought Issue # 12 before I bought the other 11 issues, then this cliffhanger would have been a bit more significant.  In years gone by I wondered to myself if it was better if I had said No Thanks to the store owner in Singapore and just waited to read the entire 12 issue in it's proper sequence?  I don't know.  I'm just glad I read issue 12 and when I got the rest, I was happy to finally connect the dots.  
 So here they are, my 2 copies of Secret Wars # 12.  The one on the right is the copy I bought in Singapore.  You can't quite tell from this picture but it's got a few nicks here and there but it's still in good condition.  Thanks to the Mylites I bought, they both look mighty fine huh?  This cover was done by Mike Zeck who did both pencils and inks.  Again he and John Beatty did the art for this double sized final issue.  By the way, John Beatty had some help in the inks department, I mentioned this in part one, he had help from Arthur Adams, his inks are very distinct, one look and you'll know which pages were done by Beatty and which were done by Adams.

The heroes are dead and Doom try to contain the power of the Beyonder. The villains, heading back, begin to squabble. Klaw manipulates Doom to resurrect the heroes. The Beyonder, sucks his power back out of Doom. Doom, Klaw and Ultron disappear. The heroes return changed to earth. Spider-Many with a black alien costume. Curt Connors cured of the Lizard. Hulk has a busted leg. Colossus has lost love, Zsaji. The X-Men get new costumes. Lockheed returns with another dragon. Captain America's shield is restored. She-Hulk joins the Fantastic Four when The Thing remains on Battleworld.

Looking back while I was getting all three of the broadcast ready, I enjoyed reading the stories in each issue, I particularly enjoyed the artwork by Mike Zeck and Bob Layton.  While I didn't know it at the time, putting together such a milestone couldn't have been an easy task and apparently according to the writer who at the time was the Editor In Chief of Marvel comics, it was was not easy.  

He said in his blog and I quote: " For me, it was one of the most difficult and yet enjoyable things I’ve ever done. To this day, when I go to conventions, I’m asked to sign many, many copies. Lots of people tell me that Secret Wars is what first got them into comics. Makes sense. The idea came from the fans. I’m proud to have been a part of it." James Shooter.

You can read his thought and comments on Secret Wars right here:

I was told that this Collection of Secret Wars is available out there somewhere.  It looks really nice. As a fan, I would love to have it.  Maybe.  It has been fun re reading this great series again.  It's always nice to have a look at something you always wanted and also be thankful that it's still in good condition.  Those are my opinions.

Secret Wars has over years spawned a great many other major story lines,  big cross over events and the like, ones we'll enjoy anytime we want with the flip of a page.  It's been my pleasure sharing Secret Wars with you, hope you liked it as much as I did, see you next time for another broadcast, remember drop by anytime, you're always welcome here and as usual, you take care!

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