Don't knock the title, it took me a while to come up with something like that. It's gotta be better than "I Think I found more gems". Wait a minute, this is a new broadcast? Usually it takes this guy a week to write something for his blog and now he's uploaded two? Yeah, I know it doesn't always happen but I have been known to work hard sometimes. Either I'm really hardworking right now or I'm on a sugar induced high thanks to a ginger beer I had after dinner.
It's the ginger beer.
Hey Welcome to the 37th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: The one I call The Further Adventures of the Uncovered Gems. Recently I talked about how I had to move a whole bunch of my comics out of an old cupboard (which by the way is not a good place for storing comics without any bags or boards) Well, I found some Gems that I either forgot I had or I though were gone for good. And thanks to this discovery I went out and ordered some Mylites 2 and Fullbacks for these comics, these gems. By the way a lot of my comics are still on my living room floor, it's going to be a long few weeks but a fun few weeks. Okay lets get to the gems, here's one I totally forgot I had.
Anyone recognize the guy on top of the bodies? The guy with the claws? The year was 1998 I believe when Marvel Comics finally released a Wolverine regular series. It was written by regular X Men Scribe Chris Claremont, the art was by Big John Buscema and Al Williamson. Now I have to admit that when I saw the cover, I was a little...confused. What in the world was he wearing and what's that across his eyes? I was also a little dissapointed that John Buscema was doing the pencils, I thought a new series would have a new penciler. I didn't grow up reading John Buscema comics and it wasn't until a few year later that I realized that John Buscema was a true industry legend, an artist who had influenced a great many artists. So having said that I'm so happy I still have this issue. Man the Mylites 2 bag really makes a cover POP doesn't it?
In Wolverine # 1, Wolverine takes down a band of pirates who
have captured Mariko's secretary; Wolverine adopts the "Patch" identity
in Madripoor where he tries to track down the infamous Black Sword of
legend. I heard that after the current Secret Wars is all done, The All New All Different Marvel will introduce a different, new Wolverine. Have you read about that? If not, you can check it out here:
or go to:
So, this is definitely a Gem worth keeping, let's move on to this next one:
Don't you just love that cover. I think this is my favorite version of the Hulk, the one with the strength of the Green Hulk, The Cunning and smarts of the Grey Hulk and the Intelligence of Bruce Banner. The Ultimate Hulk. I love this cover by Dale Keown, he supplied the pencils and inks in this homage to the cover of The incredible Hulk, (Marvel, 1962 series) #1 (May 1962). Cover is green foil enhanced which makes it stand out even more.
Written by Peter David, art by Dale Keown and Mark Farmer. In this issue, the Hulk finally has his vengeance on the Russian spy who didn't stop the gamma bomb test which turned Bruce Banner into the Hulk. In a great story, we get to relive the origins of Bruce Banner/ The Hulk. the issue also features a number of guest stars, Hector; Ulysses; Ajax; Atalanta; Igor
Drenkov; People's Protectorate [Crimson Dynamo; Red Guardian; Fantasma;
Perun; Vostok]; Leader (flashback); Abomination (flashback); Juggernaut
(flashback); Dr. Doom (flashback); Thanos (flashback); Modok
all that plus a number of pin ups and a back story by Peter David and Herb Trimpe. Definitely a gem worth keeping.
Isn't that a great cover?? Featuring Spider-Man; Mary Jane Parker; Mysterio; Green
Goblin; Lizard; Morlun; Venom; Rhino; Sandman; Morbius; Scorpion;
Electro; Prowler; Kraven the Hunter; Doctor Octopus; Hydro-Man;
Chameleon; Vermin all drawn by J. Scott Campbell and Tim Townsend. This is The Double-Sized 500th Issue! With this issue THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN returns to its old numbering from the 1963 series.
The 500th Issue of The Amazing Spider Man is a 38 page issue with story from J. Michael Straczynsk, art by John Romita, Jr. [who did pages 1-34] and John Romita, Sr. [who did page 35-38] and Inks Scott Hanna. A tale you must read, if you are a Spider Man fan, this is one of those issue. After the disastrous Clone Saga and the other really bad ideas that came after it, I was thankful Marvel realized their mistake with the Clone Saga and tried to save Spider Man. Thankfully they did.
The cover to the 2001 Green Arrow # 1, the cover is by Matt Wagner who did the Pencils, Ink and Colors. Great cover isn't it? When I read that there would be a new Green Arrow comic coming out, I wasn't really that interested. But when they said it was written by Kevin Smith, I knew it would be good and the first issue did not disappoint. Kevin Smith is a great writer.
The first five pages of this issue (the resurrection sequence) are a flashback and take
place during the "Final Night" story (sequence has direct parallels in
Green Arrow #137 and Parallax: Emerald Night #1); A relatively "quiet"
issue told primarily in flashback; GA Quote of the Month: "What's the
matter, Chum? You look like you've seen a ghost." In the rest of the story, Batman and Superman stand on the verge of the
Final Night when Supes feels something strange take place (courtesy of
Parallax); Arsenal, Black Canary and Connor reminisce about their lives
with Ollie; A bedraggled (yet familiar) bowman saves an old man from a
mugging in Star City.
I couldn't wait for issue # 2 which I also bought, we'll talk about that some other time. This issue featured some really great artwork by Phil Hester & Ande Parks. Keeping with the green theme, we move on to this next gem.
Look at that cover by George Perez who did the pencils, Inks and then he also colored the cover, how about that? This is the first of a two part series by Peter David and George Perez. The Hulk, convinced by Rick Jones, travels
into an alternative future with Rick's great granddaughter Janis. The
world of the future is a radioactive distopia ruled by the Maestro.
Janis, the leader of a band of freedom fighters needs Hulk's help to
destroy the Maestro. I love the way the Hulk and Maestro's first meeting and the witty conversation and quips they had for each other. I love the line where the Maestro said that he chose the name The Maestro because there was no way he would use the name The Leader. The whole issue was great, storywise and artwise, it was perfect. And the issue came with an enhanced cardstock cover.
These comics are my gateway to a time when I could just read these comics all day, all I needed was some snacks, soda and a toilet nearby. It was a way to escape school and then workplace stress. It was good to sit down and read them again.
Well that's it for now. The Gems I uncovered from my cupboard, I will continue to share any other gems I might come across right here on the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast. Thanks again for stopping by, remember you're always welcome here and as usual take care!!
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