Wow, it's already the 27th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast! Wow, time really flies. Thanks for dropping by for another broadcast. It's been a while since I last posted something on this blog. I've been busy, well, I'm going to be busy in the next few days so i thought I'll take the time to share with you what I found the other day. I mentioned in the previous broadcast, I moved out some comics from a closet and found that alot and I do mean a lot of them are in bad shape. I decided after alot of thinking that I needed to do something it. So I made an order for some plastic bags and backing boards. Hope they'll get here soon.
And as I wait for the arrival of the bags and boards, I continue to discover some old comics I bought, some are in okay condition, some not really. It's been fun reading these comics again. reminded me why I started collecting in the first place. I love the art and the story, well just about everything you find in a comic book.
Just a few days ago as I was checking out my collection, I found this:
This is Namor, The Sub Mariner # 13 titled: Reap The Whirlwind. The year was 1990 when Marvel Comics launched a number of new comics and the one I followed was Namor, The Submariner. This issue was written, penciled and inked by John Byrne. John Byrne was the reason why I followed this series. I loved his artwork from Uncanny X-Men and when he jumped over to Fantastic Four, I bought as many of FF as I could. The list of my favourite Byrne comics are long, it includes Alpha Flight, Superman and just a whole lot more.
Next I ran across this issue:
This is Namor Issue 11. This issue was titled: Reunion.
Namor has been captured and imprisoned in a steam-like container to slowly
sap his strength. He is forced to watch one of his captors torment Ann Raymond.
Enraged, Namor summons the last of his strength and shatters his bonds. He
savages all of his tormentors. However, he is hallucinating that his opponents
are Nazis from World War II. The effects of his steam torture appear to be
having this effect upon the Sea-Prince.
Back in New York City, Misty Knight has had surgery on her severed bionic
arm ar the Howard Stark Memorial Hospital. She and Colleen Wing appear to still
be puzzled by the man New York that claims to be Danny Rand.
In Berlin, one of Namor's of attackers’ hits him in the back of the head,
and Namor falls. However, he sees coming to his rescue Union Jack,
and Namora,
all heroes from World War II as well. How can this be? To Be Continued Next Issue...
Now I know I have more Namors laying around somewhere, I just can't find them. Yet. Why did i decide to feature these two issues? Well, it was around this time that John Byrne changed his art style to a style a lot of people called his Zip a Tone style. I don't think that's the official way to describe his "new" style at the time but it was certainly different, one he also used for a different title he wrote and drew, OMAC for DC Comics. Well, some people liked his new style, some didn't. I believe his adopted his new style starting from Issue four of this title.
Namor, The Sub Mariner was dubbed Marvel's First and Mightiest Mutant, in this series Namor learns that his past personality fluctuations have been caused by
an oxygen imbalance in his blood due to his hybrid human/Atlantean
makeup. Namor uses a recycling device to correct the problem.
Namor decides to change the direction of his life. Using the vast wealth
of sunken treasure, he launches a new company called Oracle
Incorporated, which draws the attention of the power-hungry Marrs Twins. This was an interesting concept at the time and this series also introduced a new young hot shot artist to fans as well, an artist named Jae Lee.
I enjoyed this series alot when it was released, tried my best to follow the issues as best I could but when Byrne left, i dropped it as well. Now I know I bought issue One of Namor but I can't find right now. But here's a pic of Issue One I found online.
That is just beautiful. I like this cover because the colors were different, it's almost as if they used a water colour effect to it, well I liked it the moment I saw it. I hope I'll come across this issue, definitely a keeper.
I'll talk about which comic first introduced me to the art of John Byrne in a future edition of the broadcast, so look out for it. Before I go, if you like, you can follow the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast here on and also if you have the time, go to facebook and like my facebook page, it's
If you want, please like the page. Thanks for dropping by for The Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, I'll talk with you again next time but remember, drop by anytime, you're always welcome here.
Sunday, 31 May 2015
Monday, 25 May 2015
The 26th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: Starman
Welcome to the 26th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast. For this edition of the broadcast, I'm going to talk about a book I came across recently. I believe I bought this comic book many many years ago and I think I got it from a local book store, which is a big surprise for me because this is a number 1 issue and that is a rarity, many a times you can't get a Number 1 issue those days. Usually they're either sold out or they never get to the book shops. So I was really surprised to find this comic:
This is Starman #1. If I'm not mistaken, this issue was released in 1988. As mentioned, I believe I found this issue in a book store or news vendor I guess some people would call it. I think I managed to tear off the price tag without tearing the cover. The condition of Starman # 1 looks pretty good and I am quite happy this comic still looks okay.
If the name Starman sound familiar, well Starman is a DC Comics character. The name Starman was used by several character but it is mainoly used by Ted Knight and his two sons David and Jack. The character was created by Gardner Fox and artist Jack Burnley. The original Starman who by the way looked very different than the one you see on this cover was Ted Knight. Starman first appeared in a comic called Adventures Comics # 61 from April of 1941 (!!). The original Starman was an astronomer who invented a gravity rod which later was reinvented as the cosmic rod. The rod allows Starman to fly and manipulate energy. His costume was also different. I think the original Starman wore a red and green costume and a distinctive "finned" helmet.
That's a nice look at the different incarnations of Starman, drawn by Tony Harris and Alex Ross. A nice look at all the different Starmen over the years. Okay back to this Starman and issue #1. This issue was written by Roger Stern, art by Tom Lyle and Bob Smith, colors by Julianna Ferriter and letters by Bob Pinaha. The issue was titled: Grassroots Hero.
Now this Starman is Will Payton, by the way Will Payton was created by Roger Stern and Tom Lyle. Payton gained his powers of flight, super strength, a mild amount of shapeshifting, and the ability to alter his appearance and fire bolts of energy from his hands after being struck by a bolt of energy from a statelite in space. He was in his early twenties and worked as a magazine copy editor. The satellite had been launched by the Hutchison Institute, and the powers had been intended for their team of super-agents the Power Elite. Despite his short career, he gained a good reputation among other heroes, even assisting Superman on some occasions, such as helping him recharge after an encounter with Parasite.
I don't remember what happened to this incarnation of Starman, Will Payton. After issue 1, I did try to locate the new issues but I never saw anything new, I thought the series was cancelled but I was obviously mistaken. The series went on for 45 issues featuring the Will Payton Starman. What happened to Starman? I did some research and it seems that Will Payton seemingly died fighting Eclipso.
I'm not sure how popular or well known this incarnation of Starman is out there but I think I'll keep this issue. I think I'll file this comic under the obscure Number One's. Starman. Do you have these forgotten, obscure Number One's in your collection. Yeah this is mine.
Thanks for dropping by for the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, thanks for reading, drop by again next time, follow if you want. Until next time, you take care.
This is Starman #1. If I'm not mistaken, this issue was released in 1988. As mentioned, I believe I found this issue in a book store or news vendor I guess some people would call it. I think I managed to tear off the price tag without tearing the cover. The condition of Starman # 1 looks pretty good and I am quite happy this comic still looks okay.
If the name Starman sound familiar, well Starman is a DC Comics character. The name Starman was used by several character but it is mainoly used by Ted Knight and his two sons David and Jack. The character was created by Gardner Fox and artist Jack Burnley. The original Starman who by the way looked very different than the one you see on this cover was Ted Knight. Starman first appeared in a comic called Adventures Comics # 61 from April of 1941 (!!). The original Starman was an astronomer who invented a gravity rod which later was reinvented as the cosmic rod. The rod allows Starman to fly and manipulate energy. His costume was also different. I think the original Starman wore a red and green costume and a distinctive "finned" helmet.
That's a nice look at the different incarnations of Starman, drawn by Tony Harris and Alex Ross. A nice look at all the different Starmen over the years. Okay back to this Starman and issue #1. This issue was written by Roger Stern, art by Tom Lyle and Bob Smith, colors by Julianna Ferriter and letters by Bob Pinaha. The issue was titled: Grassroots Hero.
Now this Starman is Will Payton, by the way Will Payton was created by Roger Stern and Tom Lyle. Payton gained his powers of flight, super strength, a mild amount of shapeshifting, and the ability to alter his appearance and fire bolts of energy from his hands after being struck by a bolt of energy from a statelite in space. He was in his early twenties and worked as a magazine copy editor. The satellite had been launched by the Hutchison Institute, and the powers had been intended for their team of super-agents the Power Elite. Despite his short career, he gained a good reputation among other heroes, even assisting Superman on some occasions, such as helping him recharge after an encounter with Parasite.
I don't remember what happened to this incarnation of Starman, Will Payton. After issue 1, I did try to locate the new issues but I never saw anything new, I thought the series was cancelled but I was obviously mistaken. The series went on for 45 issues featuring the Will Payton Starman. What happened to Starman? I did some research and it seems that Will Payton seemingly died fighting Eclipso.
I'm not sure how popular or well known this incarnation of Starman is out there but I think I'll keep this issue. I think I'll file this comic under the obscure Number One's. Starman. Do you have these forgotten, obscure Number One's in your collection. Yeah this is mine.
Thanks for dropping by for the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, thanks for reading, drop by again next time, follow if you want. Until next time, you take care.
The 25th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: If I only kept these Comics in better condition
Hi, welcome to the 25th (!) Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast. As the title suggests, this is going to be about one of my biggest regrets, I found a few comics that were in just bad condition and it just hurts to see these great comics in such terrible shape. What makes it worse is that I was the one who didn't take care of them. I blame myself, I was a bad collector when I started. I didn't know how to take care of these books.
I've mentioned before about how I had used tape on my comics, foolishly thinking it would be the cure all, end all solution for any damaged comics. Well, here's some more evidence that I obviously did not know what I was doing. Okay here comes the pain, for this post I'll start with this issue, I'll share the rest in my future posts.
This is a great comic. This is a landmark issue and what do I do with it? I did my repairs on it by using tape on the cover and also on the inside. When I got this issue, I read it from cover to cover so may times. This was one of the comics that introduced me to the world of DC Comics. Up until then I had been a Marvel Comics Guy.
This is Tales of The Teen Titans Annual 3. The fourth part of the Judas Contract: Finale. Just look at that cover. I love how George Perez drew this cover, it remains to this day one of my all time favourites. Marv Wolfman and George Perez wrote this issue, Perez was co plotter and penciler. The Inker was Mike DeCarlo, Colours by Adrienne Roy and letters by Ben Oda.
In this issue The Titans learn the truth behind Terra and defeat the H.I.V.E's plans. Now I believe that this was the first appearance of Dick Grayson as Nightwing, you can see his original costume featured on the right hand side of the cover.
Okay, ready for more of the damage I caused? Here we go.
Luckily I didn't try to tear off that price tag on the cover, that would have caused even more damage. Still it is a Sad sight isn't it. Wait that's not all, take a look at this.
When I found this issue, I was very worried about the condition and I knew it was bad but I didn't think it would be THIS bad. The cover had come loose mainly cause the tape has come loose as well, leaving behind this oil like stain on the cover and pages. As I turned the cover, foolishly turned it I might add, I heard a small ripping noise and immediately knew that the tape was no longer holding anything together.
I'm not sure what I can do or what I will do with this issue now. Anyone have any suggestions? This is a great issue of the Teen Titans. I'm just sorry I didn't know any better back in my younger years. This feels like such a waste, to see this issue in such bad shape.
Thanks for dropping by for the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast. Hope you enjoyed my post, if you want, please follow me, I appreciate it. Drop by again next time.
I've mentioned before about how I had used tape on my comics, foolishly thinking it would be the cure all, end all solution for any damaged comics. Well, here's some more evidence that I obviously did not know what I was doing. Okay here comes the pain, for this post I'll start with this issue, I'll share the rest in my future posts.
This is a great comic. This is a landmark issue and what do I do with it? I did my repairs on it by using tape on the cover and also on the inside. When I got this issue, I read it from cover to cover so may times. This was one of the comics that introduced me to the world of DC Comics. Up until then I had been a Marvel Comics Guy.
This is Tales of The Teen Titans Annual 3. The fourth part of the Judas Contract: Finale. Just look at that cover. I love how George Perez drew this cover, it remains to this day one of my all time favourites. Marv Wolfman and George Perez wrote this issue, Perez was co plotter and penciler. The Inker was Mike DeCarlo, Colours by Adrienne Roy and letters by Ben Oda.
In this issue The Titans learn the truth behind Terra and defeat the H.I.V.E's plans. Now I believe that this was the first appearance of Dick Grayson as Nightwing, you can see his original costume featured on the right hand side of the cover.
Okay, ready for more of the damage I caused? Here we go.
Luckily I didn't try to tear off that price tag on the cover, that would have caused even more damage. Still it is a Sad sight isn't it. Wait that's not all, take a look at this.
I'm not sure what I can do or what I will do with this issue now. Anyone have any suggestions? This is a great issue of the Teen Titans. I'm just sorry I didn't know any better back in my younger years. This feels like such a waste, to see this issue in such bad shape.
Thanks for dropping by for the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast. Hope you enjoyed my post, if you want, please follow me, I appreciate it. Drop by again next time.
The 24th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: Superman: The Adventure Continues!
Welcome to the 24th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, a blog about comics, a blog about reading, enjoying and collecting comics. I have always been a Marvel guy, I love Marvel comics but I also read a lot of DC Comics, love them too in particular Superman. I started following Superman after I heard that my favourite writer/artist John Byrne would take over the title. I was over the moon when the news broke. He left Fantastic Four and Marvel Comics for a while. I waited patiently and finally got the 6 issue Man Of Steel series and the first issue of Superman! Here's the cover for Man of Steel # 1 (variant edition)
There you have it, Man Of Steel # 1. The Legend Begins. It was 1986, DC Comics brought John Byrne on as writer and artist to clean up the barnacles on their flagship title and spruce up the Man of Steel and boy did he ever. It all started with this cover, this is the one I always coveted, the one I wanted in my collection but I never got this one, when I ordered Man of Steel from a store in new Jersey, I got this one instead. It's not too shabby, it's a great cover as well but I kinda had my heart set on the variant cover.
Nothing wrong with this cover but that limited edition variant was always and still is high on my "to buy" list. I personally think Byrne did a great job on Superman, too bad his stint was kinda brief. In the first issue of Man Of Steel, we were told about the origin of Kal El/ Clark Kent. Lara and Jor-El discuss their unborn son, and how Jor-El intends to protect him. As Krypton begins its final eruptions, Jor-El sends Kal-El to Earth. I'll do a separate broadcast on the Man of Steel Mini Series soon. Mow after the six issue mini series, we had this!
Yep, Superman # 1. I just love the blurb on the cover: It's your first issue of Superman and it could be your LAST!! Written and penciled by John Byrne, Inked by his long time collaborator Terry Austin, Colors by Tom Zukio and Letters by John Costanza. I was so happy to see that Byrne and Austin were on Superman, in fact Austin stayed on for 3 issues and then Karl Kesel would come on as regular inker. Now that combination was awesome. We'll talk about that in another broadcast. This issue is called Heart of Stone featuring Metallo. Metallo is badly beating Superman... and then he mysteriously disappears. What happened? Why did he dissapear, well let's say it's because of a gentlemen who's name rhymes with err Rex Ruthor. (Don't wanna give anything away here). This issue tells the origin of Metallo and also reveals certain clues to questions asked in the Man of Steel Mini Series.
This issue is also significant because Byrne talks about THE MAN OF STEEL mini-series, about SUPERMAN #1, and about concerns he is "Marvelizing" Superman in the Indexer Notes, interesting read. The eighties were interesting times for me as a comic book fan, changes were coming,titles and characters were changing, some for the better and some not so much but Superman has always been a great favourite. To be honest, I don't know if I like the current NEW 52 Superman, maybe it's because I'm so old school but reading Superman back in the day was just something else, it was great, over the years creators come and go and the character changes bit by bit but I still like this version. what about you? Thanks for taking the time to read the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, follow me if you like but always remember, you're always welcome here, until next time, take care.
There you have it, Man Of Steel # 1. The Legend Begins. It was 1986, DC Comics brought John Byrne on as writer and artist to clean up the barnacles on their flagship title and spruce up the Man of Steel and boy did he ever. It all started with this cover, this is the one I always coveted, the one I wanted in my collection but I never got this one, when I ordered Man of Steel from a store in new Jersey, I got this one instead. It's not too shabby, it's a great cover as well but I kinda had my heart set on the variant cover.
Nothing wrong with this cover but that limited edition variant was always and still is high on my "to buy" list. I personally think Byrne did a great job on Superman, too bad his stint was kinda brief. In the first issue of Man Of Steel, we were told about the origin of Kal El/ Clark Kent. Lara and Jor-El discuss their unborn son, and how Jor-El intends to protect him. As Krypton begins its final eruptions, Jor-El sends Kal-El to Earth. I'll do a separate broadcast on the Man of Steel Mini Series soon. Mow after the six issue mini series, we had this!
Yep, Superman # 1. I just love the blurb on the cover: It's your first issue of Superman and it could be your LAST!! Written and penciled by John Byrne, Inked by his long time collaborator Terry Austin, Colors by Tom Zukio and Letters by John Costanza. I was so happy to see that Byrne and Austin were on Superman, in fact Austin stayed on for 3 issues and then Karl Kesel would come on as regular inker. Now that combination was awesome. We'll talk about that in another broadcast. This issue is called Heart of Stone featuring Metallo. Metallo is badly beating Superman... and then he mysteriously disappears. What happened? Why did he dissapear, well let's say it's because of a gentlemen who's name rhymes with err Rex Ruthor. (Don't wanna give anything away here). This issue tells the origin of Metallo and also reveals certain clues to questions asked in the Man of Steel Mini Series.
This issue is also significant because Byrne talks about THE MAN OF STEEL mini-series, about SUPERMAN #1, and about concerns he is "Marvelizing" Superman in the Indexer Notes, interesting read. The eighties were interesting times for me as a comic book fan, changes were coming,titles and characters were changing, some for the better and some not so much but Superman has always been a great favourite. To be honest, I don't know if I like the current NEW 52 Superman, maybe it's because I'm so old school but reading Superman back in the day was just something else, it was great, over the years creators come and go and the character changes bit by bit but I still like this version. what about you? Thanks for taking the time to read the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, follow me if you like but always remember, you're always welcome here, until next time, take care.
Saturday, 23 May 2015
The 23rd Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: The Revenge of the Gems!!
Yeah I know, it sounds VERY corny but hey, it's been a long few days for me. It's either calling this post The Revenge of the Gems or The Gems Part 5 or something. Thanks for dropping by for the 23rd Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast. Since I decided to move out a few of my comics from a cupboard (I noticed that a lot of the comics I had in the cupboard have some stains on them and some of them didn't have any plastic bags or backing boards, so there was a lot of damaged comics) So as I moved them, I saw some gems that I thought were lost forever and some I didn't even remember buying.
So here we go with a look at some gems, starting off with a comic from a time when we were all caught up with Image fever. The days of gimmick covers, like this one, Wildcats Trilogy Issue 1.
Issue One of this Trilogy came with a gimmick cover, not sure what they call the material used for it but it sure made the cover look really attractive and shiny. The art and cover is by Jae Lee who later went to draw Namor the Sub Mariner and then launch his own Image Comics book as well. I think he was the artist for the New 52 book Superman and Batman. Why is this one a gem, it's a reminder of the days when the gimmicks were more sought after than the art or story, I'm not saying I didn't fall for it cause the evidence is here, I bought into it too. I'm keeping this one, the cover is so shiny.
Anyone remember this one? This was from a time when Marvel Comics was in a major acquisition mode and had bought over Malibu Comics. Malibu at the time had launched a number of titles featuring what they referred to as Ultras, super powered beings in the Malibu Universe (That sounds Odd) were Ultras. They had their own Avengers like team called Ultraforce. When Marvel took over Malibu they had a major cross over event and one of the results was Ultraforce/Avengers and Avengers/Ultraforce. I bought both titles, the first one published by the Malibu side had artwork and cover by George Perez, I had to have that one.
When they released this issue Avengers/Ultraforce, I bought it too, the issue came with a cardstock cover and that beautiful jam packed cover by George Perez who I mistakenly ASSUMED would be doing the artwork for this issue. But that wasn't to be, two pencilers took care of the art, Angel Medina and M.C. Wyman. I was utterly crushed with the art, not so much with Angel Medina but the other guy. I didn't understand why George Perez wasn't doing the art for this one.
Is this one a gem? yeah it is, all because of the great cover by George Perez, just don't look inside.
Want a spoiler about this issue, one character from Marvel becomes a member of Ultraforce at the end of the issue. He becomes part of the Malibu Universe (still sounds strange), he wields a lightsaber of sorts, hint, hint.
Now THIS is a gem. This is The New Teen Titans # 4 from 1985. Wow.
Written by Marv Wolfman, George Perez on Pencils and Cover, Romeo Thanghal on Inks, Adrienne Roy Colours and Letters by Todd Klein. What an issue this is, freaky freaky cover, one that grabs you the moment you laid your eyes on it. This issue used a heavy stock paper called Baxter papaer which gave this book a very prestige format sort of feel to it, I love the feel of the thick pages. Made the book feel different and the artwork was impeccable.
In this issue, The Titans are forced to kill Raven to free her from Trigon's grasp and I tell ya, that ain't going to be easy. the Titans were put through hell and that's before they face Trigon. Wolfman, Perez and the team really made Teen Titans a must read. I grew up reading only Marvel Comics but it was Wolfman and Perez that showed me there was another world of comics out there. Do they even make comics like this anymore? No. I'll be blunt. The New 52 Teen Titans are no way near this incarnation of the team. But what about Convergence? Who know what'll happen with the Titans, you can but hope they will restore the Titans to their former glory.
So is this a gem, oh hell yeah it is! Once I get the plastic bags I ordered, this one will bagged and boarded.
Thanks for dropping by, hope you liked this look at the three gems I found, I'll try and find more for you and share them right here on The Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, remember now drop by anytime. Thanks for reading! Take Care.
So here we go with a look at some gems, starting off with a comic from a time when we were all caught up with Image fever. The days of gimmick covers, like this one, Wildcats Trilogy Issue 1.
Anyone remember this one? This was from a time when Marvel Comics was in a major acquisition mode and had bought over Malibu Comics. Malibu at the time had launched a number of titles featuring what they referred to as Ultras, super powered beings in the Malibu Universe (That sounds Odd) were Ultras. They had their own Avengers like team called Ultraforce. When Marvel took over Malibu they had a major cross over event and one of the results was Ultraforce/Avengers and Avengers/Ultraforce. I bought both titles, the first one published by the Malibu side had artwork and cover by George Perez, I had to have that one.
When they released this issue Avengers/Ultraforce, I bought it too, the issue came with a cardstock cover and that beautiful jam packed cover by George Perez who I mistakenly ASSUMED would be doing the artwork for this issue. But that wasn't to be, two pencilers took care of the art, Angel Medina and M.C. Wyman. I was utterly crushed with the art, not so much with Angel Medina but the other guy. I didn't understand why George Perez wasn't doing the art for this one.
Is this one a gem? yeah it is, all because of the great cover by George Perez, just don't look inside.
Want a spoiler about this issue, one character from Marvel becomes a member of Ultraforce at the end of the issue. He becomes part of the Malibu Universe (still sounds strange), he wields a lightsaber of sorts, hint, hint.
Now THIS is a gem. This is The New Teen Titans # 4 from 1985. Wow.
Written by Marv Wolfman, George Perez on Pencils and Cover, Romeo Thanghal on Inks, Adrienne Roy Colours and Letters by Todd Klein. What an issue this is, freaky freaky cover, one that grabs you the moment you laid your eyes on it. This issue used a heavy stock paper called Baxter papaer which gave this book a very prestige format sort of feel to it, I love the feel of the thick pages. Made the book feel different and the artwork was impeccable.
In this issue, The Titans are forced to kill Raven to free her from Trigon's grasp and I tell ya, that ain't going to be easy. the Titans were put through hell and that's before they face Trigon. Wolfman, Perez and the team really made Teen Titans a must read. I grew up reading only Marvel Comics but it was Wolfman and Perez that showed me there was another world of comics out there. Do they even make comics like this anymore? No. I'll be blunt. The New 52 Teen Titans are no way near this incarnation of the team. But what about Convergence? Who know what'll happen with the Titans, you can but hope they will restore the Titans to their former glory.
So is this a gem, oh hell yeah it is! Once I get the plastic bags I ordered, this one will bagged and boarded.
Thanks for dropping by, hope you liked this look at the three gems I found, I'll try and find more for you and share them right here on The Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, remember now drop by anytime. Thanks for reading! Take Care.
The 22nd Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: The Return of the Holy Grail
I've been tied up with work for the past few days, it's been hectic and crazy but I got everything done last night and today I thought I would finally post something. Yeah took me long enough.
Welcome to the 22nd Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast and I'm want to share with you another comics that I would love to have in my collection. Yes it's time for "The Return Of The Holy Grail". This issue is very high, very very high on my Holy Grail List.
Here it is, it's a comic from 1986. Look at this cover!
Isn't that just BEAUTIFUL? Here it is, this is Captain America Annual # 8 from 1986, the year Marvel celebrated their 25th Anniversary, clearly stated on the cover in the corner box. The first time I laid eyes on this issue was at a friend's house and I went nuts for it. I wanted it! But there was no way I could get it then, so I've always remembered it and it's been on my list ever since. That is just a beautiful cover, I think I've seen a few artists doing their homage to this cover and over the years, there's been a few versions out there.
It's a great cover and also a kickass poster!! I believe that both Arthur Adams and Brandon Peterson did their version of this cover, I could be wrong but I think there's one version featuring the Ultimate Universe version of Cap and Wolvie. (oh, as I type away here, Ultimate End should be on sale now, brings a tear to my eye to see that the Ultimate Universe is coming to an end....apparently, I love the Ultimate Universe)
Okay, Captain Annual # 8, the cover is by Mike Zeck, inked by John Beatty. I'm a long time fan of Mike Zeck and he is the main reason this book is so high on my Holy Grail list. Titled: Tess-One, it's written by the late Mark Gruenwald, Pencils by Mike Zeck, Inks by John Beatty and Joe Rubenstein, Colours by Gynnis Oliver and Letter by Jim Novak. Storywise Cap and Wolvie try to stop a former SHIELD agent in a hi-tech battle suit and his adamantium coated, World War II era, super soldier killing robot from sending all of America's nuclear missiles to the bottom of the ocean floor in a bid to restore his bomb fearing son to sanity. Oh, the issue was edited by Mike Carlin who later went on to be editor of the Superman comics at DC Comics.
We start off like a bar room brawl, you would have thought that this bar room brawl was started by Wolverine but nah, he's sitting at the bar contemplating life's vicissitudes (?) that means changing fortunes by the way. Back in the day when there were guest stars in any comic, it was a big thing then. A guest star was a big thing, worth the cover price. These days it's common place to have guest stars almost every issue, it's no longer "special" but this was SPECIAL. Now what do you get when you want the Total Exterminator of the Super Soldier- You get TESS-1— the ultimate man-killing robot! It's target is Cap! But when Wolverine enters the fray, TESS-1 just might bag two for the price of one!
Wolverine springing into action!! In this issue, we had Captain America [Steve Rogers]; GUESTS: Wolverine; Bob Frank, Jr. [Nuklo]; VILLAINS: Overrider [Richard Rennselaer] (intro); Tess-One [a robot]. That's Tess-One over there manhandling Bob Frank Jr. formerly Nuklo.
It would be a few pages before Cap and Logan would finally meet and when they did, wow! Did the sparks fly! Those days, the formula for a meet up between two heroes would be for them to meet, have a little confrontation and then later, they would team up, a formulaic concept that's become commonplace today. See, they team up.
Here's something ironic about a statement Cap makes in this issue, Captain America makes a comment about the Avengers never accepting Wolverine among their ranks is ironic, since almost twenty years later Wolverine would be a member of the Avengers alongside Captain America as of New Avengers # 7.
Yeah there's the panel where Cap makes a false prediction there but hey it's all good. Wolverine proves his worth and a few years later, he and Cap would be teammates. Okay, what makes this issues so collectible to me? Well for one, Mike Zeck is the penciler and I am a big fan of his work. I liked what he did in Captain America Annual #8. I hope one day to be able to find a mint or near mint copy of this issue, so if you know where I can find a copy, please let me know, okay? I would appreciate that. Thanks for taking the time to read the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast. Oh by the way what's on your Holy Grail list? What comics are you looking for? Let me know okay, that way we can compare notes. Again thanks for dropping by, we'll talk again next time on the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast.
#cosmiccomicbookbroadcast #mike zeck #john beatty #mark gruenwald #captain america #wolverine
Welcome to the 22nd Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast and I'm want to share with you another comics that I would love to have in my collection. Yes it's time for "The Return Of The Holy Grail". This issue is very high, very very high on my Holy Grail List.
Here it is, it's a comic from 1986. Look at this cover!
Isn't that just BEAUTIFUL? Here it is, this is Captain America Annual # 8 from 1986, the year Marvel celebrated their 25th Anniversary, clearly stated on the cover in the corner box. The first time I laid eyes on this issue was at a friend's house and I went nuts for it. I wanted it! But there was no way I could get it then, so I've always remembered it and it's been on my list ever since. That is just a beautiful cover, I think I've seen a few artists doing their homage to this cover and over the years, there's been a few versions out there.
It's a great cover and also a kickass poster!! I believe that both Arthur Adams and Brandon Peterson did their version of this cover, I could be wrong but I think there's one version featuring the Ultimate Universe version of Cap and Wolvie. (oh, as I type away here, Ultimate End should be on sale now, brings a tear to my eye to see that the Ultimate Universe is coming to an end....apparently, I love the Ultimate Universe)
Okay, Captain Annual # 8, the cover is by Mike Zeck, inked by John Beatty. I'm a long time fan of Mike Zeck and he is the main reason this book is so high on my Holy Grail list. Titled: Tess-One, it's written by the late Mark Gruenwald, Pencils by Mike Zeck, Inks by John Beatty and Joe Rubenstein, Colours by Gynnis Oliver and Letter by Jim Novak. Storywise Cap and Wolvie try to stop a former SHIELD agent in a hi-tech battle suit and his adamantium coated, World War II era, super soldier killing robot from sending all of America's nuclear missiles to the bottom of the ocean floor in a bid to restore his bomb fearing son to sanity. Oh, the issue was edited by Mike Carlin who later went on to be editor of the Superman comics at DC Comics.
We start off like a bar room brawl, you would have thought that this bar room brawl was started by Wolverine but nah, he's sitting at the bar contemplating life's vicissitudes (?) that means changing fortunes by the way. Back in the day when there were guest stars in any comic, it was a big thing then. A guest star was a big thing, worth the cover price. These days it's common place to have guest stars almost every issue, it's no longer "special" but this was SPECIAL. Now what do you get when you want the Total Exterminator of the Super Soldier- You get TESS-1— the ultimate man-killing robot! It's target is Cap! But when Wolverine enters the fray, TESS-1 just might bag two for the price of one!
Wolverine springing into action!! In this issue, we had Captain America [Steve Rogers]; GUESTS: Wolverine; Bob Frank, Jr. [Nuklo]; VILLAINS: Overrider [Richard Rennselaer] (intro); Tess-One [a robot]. That's Tess-One over there manhandling Bob Frank Jr. formerly Nuklo.
It would be a few pages before Cap and Logan would finally meet and when they did, wow! Did the sparks fly! Those days, the formula for a meet up between two heroes would be for them to meet, have a little confrontation and then later, they would team up, a formulaic concept that's become commonplace today. See, they team up.
Here's something ironic about a statement Cap makes in this issue, Captain America makes a comment about the Avengers never accepting Wolverine among their ranks is ironic, since almost twenty years later Wolverine would be a member of the Avengers alongside Captain America as of New Avengers # 7.
Yeah there's the panel where Cap makes a false prediction there but hey it's all good. Wolverine proves his worth and a few years later, he and Cap would be teammates. Okay, what makes this issues so collectible to me? Well for one, Mike Zeck is the penciler and I am a big fan of his work. I liked what he did in Captain America Annual #8. I hope one day to be able to find a mint or near mint copy of this issue, so if you know where I can find a copy, please let me know, okay? I would appreciate that. Thanks for taking the time to read the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast. Oh by the way what's on your Holy Grail list? What comics are you looking for? Let me know okay, that way we can compare notes. Again thanks for dropping by, we'll talk again next time on the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast.
#cosmiccomicbookbroadcast #mike zeck #john beatty #mark gruenwald #captain america #wolverine
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
The 21st Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: The return of The Gems!
Welcome to the 21st Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, back with some more uncovered Gems! Yeah I ain't quite finished yet with my comic book collection. These are some gems I found recently. I hope you remember some of these comics. Hope you'll like them.
I remember posting about the Marvel Comics New Universe Imprint, one of the issues I talked about was a comic called Star Brand. Well, I found this issue in my closet, it's Star Brand Issue 11.
This issue is unique because John Byrne, at the prompting of New Universe editor Howard Mackie (a close friend of Byrne's), took over both the writing and breakdowns with issue #11. Shortly after, a meeting between Byrne, Mackie, and DP 7 writer Mark Gruenwald was held to come up with a plot device to raise interest in the New Universe. The idea of the Star Brand destroying Pittsburgh was devised at this meeting and implemented in The Star Brand #12. Following this issue, Ken Connell was reduced to a supporting character, and the series became a more generalized account of the effects of the Star Brand on humankind. The series was cancelled with issue #19.
Okay back to issue # 11, the title of the book and the cover blurb officially change to THE Star Brand with this first issue by Byrne. The issue was titled: Celebrity. Debbie "the Duck" and Myron Feldman convince Ken Connell to don a costume and become a super-hero. Calling himself Star Brand, he stops a plane hijacking, but the general public still doubts his existence even after seeing him on television. Intent on ending the speculation, Ken flies to the moon and brings the Apollo 11 lunar landing module to the lawn of the White House as a gift to President Reagan. Star Brand becomes a nation-wide sensation. Debbie finds out she is pregnant. Next we have this little gem.
This is Unity # 0. As you can see on the cover, this issue is FREE. I don't quite remember how I got Unity # 0 but I'm pretty sure it wasn't for free. Anyway this is Unity # 0 published by Valiant Comic, remember them? The company was founded in 1989 by former Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief Jim Shooter and former Marvel Comics writer/editor Bob Layton. Valiant Comics was HOT back in the day. I remember wanting to try out their version of 3D comics with something they called Valiant Vision but i never had the chance to try it. They were putting out some hot books back in the day and I remember reading Solar Man of the Atom, X-O Manowar and more.
I guess you can call Unity Valiant's Secret Wars or Crisis on Infinite Earths. This preview was written by Jim Shooter and the art was by legendary artist Barry Windsor Smith.
After some really tough times which included being sold and shut down but Valiant has been going through a resurgence of late which is good to see.
The condition of the book is okay, has alot of nicks all over but this is definitely a keeper being that it's the start of the Unity storyline and I'm a big fan of Barry Windsor Smith, so yeah a keeper for sure.
Now that looks like a badass cover, That's Wetworks Issue 1.
I remember posting about the Marvel Comics New Universe Imprint, one of the issues I talked about was a comic called Star Brand. Well, I found this issue in my closet, it's Star Brand Issue 11.
This issue is unique because John Byrne, at the prompting of New Universe editor Howard Mackie (a close friend of Byrne's), took over both the writing and breakdowns with issue #11. Shortly after, a meeting between Byrne, Mackie, and DP 7 writer Mark Gruenwald was held to come up with a plot device to raise interest in the New Universe. The idea of the Star Brand destroying Pittsburgh was devised at this meeting and implemented in The Star Brand #12. Following this issue, Ken Connell was reduced to a supporting character, and the series became a more generalized account of the effects of the Star Brand on humankind. The series was cancelled with issue #19.
Okay back to issue # 11, the title of the book and the cover blurb officially change to THE Star Brand with this first issue by Byrne. The issue was titled: Celebrity. Debbie "the Duck" and Myron Feldman convince Ken Connell to don a costume and become a super-hero. Calling himself Star Brand, he stops a plane hijacking, but the general public still doubts his existence even after seeing him on television. Intent on ending the speculation, Ken flies to the moon and brings the Apollo 11 lunar landing module to the lawn of the White House as a gift to President Reagan. Star Brand becomes a nation-wide sensation. Debbie finds out she is pregnant. Next we have this little gem.
This is Unity # 0. As you can see on the cover, this issue is FREE. I don't quite remember how I got Unity # 0 but I'm pretty sure it wasn't for free. Anyway this is Unity # 0 published by Valiant Comic, remember them? The company was founded in 1989 by former Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief Jim Shooter and former Marvel Comics writer/editor Bob Layton. Valiant Comics was HOT back in the day. I remember wanting to try out their version of 3D comics with something they called Valiant Vision but i never had the chance to try it. They were putting out some hot books back in the day and I remember reading Solar Man of the Atom, X-O Manowar and more.
I guess you can call Unity Valiant's Secret Wars or Crisis on Infinite Earths. This preview was written by Jim Shooter and the art was by legendary artist Barry Windsor Smith.
After some really tough times which included being sold and shut down but Valiant has been going through a resurgence of late which is good to see.
The condition of the book is okay, has alot of nicks all over but this is definitely a keeper being that it's the start of the Unity storyline and I'm a big fan of Barry Windsor Smith, so yeah a keeper for sure.
Now that looks like a badass cover, That's Wetworks Issue 1.
The idea for Wetworks came from artist Whilce
Portacio and writer Brandon Choi. It ran for four years before ending in
1998. Originally intended as one of the core Image
Comics launch titles in 1992,
the series was put on hiatus until 1994
due to the death of Portacio's sister. After re-solicitation by Image (through Jim Lee's Wildstorm
imprint), the original series ran for 43 issues, from 1994-1998.
In issue 1, the story starts when I.O. sends Team 7 to Transylvania to recover a
dangerous biological weapon; Instead, they find the facility they are
supposed to be invading already overrun with vampires and large tubes
full of a golden liquid; One of the tubes is ruptured and completely
coats Claymore; When the coating proves to be bulletproof and, as they
are facing down an army of bloodsuckers, Dane decides to crack the rest
of the tubes and turn his whole team golden; The team defeats the
vampires but Craven double-crosses them, sending in gunships to wipe
them out; Mother One betrays I.O. to save the team and joins.
This issue also features a gatefold front cover, inside Portacio talks about the death of his sister and thanks everyone who made the book possible.
Yeah I'll admit that I got caught up in the Image craze way back when. Yeah I bought multiple copies, maybe too many copies, hey it's Image, Wetworks was another hot new comic on the block. Say, you want to buy a nice copy of Wetworks issue 1?
But I gotta say this one is a keeper too, a reminder of an exciting time in comics when Image comics was formed and revolutionized the industry. Thanks for dropping by for The Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, I'll continue digging for more gems and I'll share them with you right here, so drop by anytime, you'll always welcome here.
Until next time, take care.
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Your 116th Co(s)mic ComicBook B'Cast.
Here's a blast from the past. It's a classic featuring my favorite wall crawler and one of my favorite super-villains. This is t...

Yeah it's the final part of Secret Wars. The third and final part. I'm doing this while reading the news that's coming out of ...
One of the many things I love about comics is the art. Yeah the story plays a very important role, the colors and the lettering but to me I...