Hi Comic Fans! I love comic books, for as long as I can remember I have been a fan and collector. This blog is about my love for Comics, where I share my passion with you. I have a Facebook page as well, The Cosmic ComicBook BCast. Drop by and have a look.
Friday, 15 May 2015
The Fourteenth Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: More uncovered Gems.
Hi, it’s another Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: Gems. I
stumbled across a few nice gems in my small collection recently. I
can’t recall how I got these comics but there they are and I am very
happy that I have them, more than anything else I am happy I didn’t
trace over the pages and the fact that I didn’t use tape on this next
gem that I found recently. Okay that said, lets take a look at what I found.
This is Justice League of America # 223 written by Gerry Conway,
Chuck Patton on Pencils and Romeo Tanghal on Inks. This is the direct
edition which is a little odd because I think I picked this up in a
bookstore and not a comic book specialty store. To this day I often
wonder how they got these direct editions. Again not a mint condition
book but I guess it’s in satisfactory condition, can’t complain too
much, this is a book from 1984 after all.
Wow, it featured Superman [Earth-1]; Aquaman; Firestorm;
Elongated Man; Flash [Barry Allen]; Zatanna; Wonder Woman [Earth-1];
Hawkwoman [Shayera Thal] (as Hawkgirl); Hawkman [Katar Hol] (all as the
Justice League of America/JLA); Maximus (villain); Reena; Dr. Lovecraft, whew that’s a lotta heroes and bad guys.
Next: Anyone remember this? Marvel Age #86. I think I bought this because of the John Byrne Cover, which I liked. Too bad those days book store owners placed price
tags on the comics they sold, you can use the damage on the cover, a
little tear and that odd stain as well. Breaks my heart to see that. This issue was rather significant because Marvel had launched six new titles, one of which was Namor, The Sub Mariner written and drawn by Byrne. The other significant title was Spider Man, written and drawn by Todd McFarlane.
I’ll share more gems with you when I find them. Thanks for reading the broadcast, hope you're enjoying what I'm sharing
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