Hi Comic Fans! I love comic books, for as long as I can remember I have been a fan and collector. This blog is about my love for Comics, where I share my passion with you. I have a Facebook page as well, The Cosmic ComicBook BCast. Drop by and have a look.
Friday, 15 May 2015
The Tenth Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: Gems
Wow, it's already the tenth broadcast. It's been fun looking at some of my old comics and I wanted to share some with you. Recently I had to move out a bunch of my
comics because I noticed that some of them had some stains on them. I
had to move these comics out of my cupboard, right now it’s all laying
on the floor of my living room. I’m gonna need to move everything back
soon, well as soon as possible, first though I need to get my hands on
some new plastic bags for these comics. I’ve been doing some research
and from all that I’ve read it seems that mylites is the way to go to
protect my comics. I’m trying to get some right now.
while I was moving my comics, I saw a few comics I never knew I had.
What was supposed to be an hour job max turned into a day and a half job
cause I stopped to read and check out these gems I found, they might
not be worth a lot in today’s market but these were some of the comics I
bought, read and eventually collected back in the day. Here’s one
issue I forgot I had. It's a Nice One too.
In this issue, Tales of the Teen Titans Issue #59 Raven uses her powers to enter Dick Grayson’s
dreams to show him a scene from the not to distant future of the new
Teen Titans team battling to save the world from an other-dimensional
protoplasmic creature. The cover is by Chuck Patton, Inks by Dick Giordano.
The book has some damage to the spine, a few nicks here and there.
Thank God I didn’t use tape to rescue this book. It’s a little aged but
it still holds up.
There are two stories in this book, one drawn by George Perez and the other by Carmine Infantino, both written by Marv Wolfman.
There were no letters this issue, the usual column is taken up by Marv Wolfman’s discussion
of what is happening in various facets of the Teen Titans operations.
was a nice surprise to come across this little gem. I have to get some
new plastic bags and backing boards for this issue. I love coming
across these gems and I am very thankful I didn’t trade, sell, trace over of use tape on this book. I’ll be back with another gem in the next broadcast. Thanks for reading. Come back for the next Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast!
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