Hi Comic Fans! I love comic books, for as long as I can remember I have been a fan and collector. This blog is about my love for Comics, where I share my passion with you. I have a Facebook page as well, The Cosmic ComicBook BCast. Drop by and have a look.
Thursday, 14 May 2015
The Second Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: Price Tags or the Nemesis of any Comic book collector!!
welcome to the second Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast, this time I want
to talk about one of my pet peeves when it comes to comics, PRICE TAGS!!
To quote the late great Gorilla Monsoon: “Oh how I used to hate those!!” And I still do!!
I really got into my hobby of reading and collecting comics, I decided
to grab all the comics I could get my hands on. I devoured what I could
find but I gotta say back in the day there weren’t any specialized
stores that only sold comics. Nope. I had to get my comics from the
local bookstore.
These were the stores that sold newspapers,
magazines, books, stationary and snacks all under the same roof.
Comics were placed in a small corner of the shop. There were two things
I hated about the way the comics were displayed, one, they were put in
racks which destroyed the spine of the comics and the other, the price
I know they had to put price tags on the comics but those
things were horrible. Let me show you what I mean. I went and dug out
some examples of the comics which were horribly disfigured by these
price tags. That’s
Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider Man # 100, written and penciled by
Allen Milgrom. This was a milestone issue which had the break up of
Spider Man and the Black Cat. I do believe this was the first
appearance of the Spot. This issue featured Peter in his original
costume after finding out his black and white costume was alive. Okay
note the lower left hand corner. That’s
what happens when you manage to tear off a price tag. I was able to
tear off the tag but it left a sticky residue. I foolishly placed some
tape over it, making it worst. What was I thinking!!!!???? Guess I wasn't...thinking. (sigh) Iron
Man # 184 where the store owner decided to put not one but two price
tags on the comics. Why??? Guess the first one came loose…… The
All New All daring Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider Man # 119, not
an outstanding issue really, it featured the return of the Black Cat and
a big knock down drag out fight the Black Cat had with Sabretooth. For
this issue after I successfully took the price tags off the cover I
decided to not do anything like putting tape on it, unfortunately that
residue is still there. Sigh. Marvel Team Up # 147. Great cover from John Romita Jr and Joe Rubinstein.
Spider Man and the Human Torch taking on the Black Abbott. This is one
of the many, many times when the price tag won and would not budge.
What I could take off took a piece of the page with it. It was such a
heartbreaking sight. Another
example of a store owner going nuts with his price tag gun or
something. I left this cover alone, the sound of a cover tearing was
just too much to bear. I
decided not to peel the price tag from this issue. The price tag
looked like it was really stuck to the page and I didn’t want to take
the risk. Don’t think I could bear to see another ripped cover.
The following are examples of how that residue from the price tag also ruined my other comics. A closer look. Over time the residue collects the dust and it turns black. Oh the horror!! Another nice issue ruined.
Did you have this same problem? If you did, then you know how I felt. It’s heartbreaking. Okay let’s talk again next time. If you have any comments, let me know, okay. Thanks.
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