Hi Comic Fans! I love comic books, for as long as I can remember I have been a fan and collector. This blog is about my love for Comics, where I share my passion with you. I have a Facebook page as well, The Cosmic ComicBook BCast. Drop by and have a look.
Friday, 15 May 2015
The Eleventh Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: Another Gem!
Welcome to the Eleventh Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast: Another Gem.
You may have noticed that the numbering of my blog is a little jumbled up, I'm trying to get that all sorted out and learn how to count properly.
Okay back to the broadcast, as I mentioned in the last broadcast, I had to move some of my comics
recently and I came across a few comics I consider gems. I can’t recall
how or when I got these comics but I’m not surprised because my memory
is just bad. I’m just thankful I kept these gems.
Take a look at this one:
Now this is The New Teen Titans #38.
As you can see this is is direct edition of The New Teen Titans. How I
came across this book, I cannot recall but I think I must have grabbed
it when I saw it. The one is called: Who is Donna Troy? In this
issue Dick Grayson investigates Donna Troy’s mysterious past to help
her learn more about her childhood and who her parents were. Marv
Wolfman wrote the story for this issue with co plotter George Perez.
This issue was beautifully drawn by George Perez and Romeo Tanghal. The
art in this issue was just beautiful. Story wise I liked how Marv Wolfman and George Perez paced the story and how they showed the detective skills of Dick Grayson. He was after all a ward of Bruce Wayne and sidekick to Batman. He is a skilled detective as well.This wasn't one of those action packed issues but it was memorable because of the story told by Dick Grayson as he searched for the identity of Donna Troy. Marv Wolfman and George Perez really outdid themselves in my opinion. Art wise, all I gotta say is that George Perez is a master story teller, his pencils are just unbeatable. Beautiful art, great comic.
The book isn’t in
the best condition, you can see the spine has some damage but it’s
still in okay condition I guess. Once I get some new plastic bags, this
gem is going into a bag with a backing board. Another great gem.
Thankful that I have this issue in my small collection and the bonus is
that I didn’t use tape on this book, whewwww!
I’m going to see what else I have, thanks for reading.
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