Hi Comic Fans! I love comic books, for as long as I can remember I have been a fan and collector. This blog is about my love for Comics, where I share my passion with you. I have a Facebook page as well, The Cosmic ComicBook BCast. Drop by and have a look.
Friday, 15 May 2015
The ....ummm is that the 12th Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast? : More Gems Yeah Gems.
Yes, more gems were
found and will be shared on the Co(s)mic Comic Book Broadcast. Well
they're gems in my eyes, don’t know if they’re worth anything these days but I’m
going to share them with you right here. Here we go: Classic X-Men # 43, yes this is a reprint of the famous Dark Phoenix Saga. The cover is by John Byrne. In this issue, Lilandra transports the X-Men to her base so
that Phoenix can be killed for her crime of wiping out an entire star
system; Xavier explains that the Phoenix Force has been purged from Jean
and demands the right to trial by combat when his captors refuse to
listen; The X-Men and the Imperial Guard fight on the Blue Area of the
Moon to determine Jean’s fate; During the battle, Dark Phoenix manifests
herself once again and Jean sacrifices herself rather than let the
Phoenix loose on the universe.
Written by Chris Claremont,
Pencils by John Byrne and Inks by Terry Austin. Not forgetting
Colors:Glynis Oliver and Letters:Tom Orzechowski. This issue also
featured a backup story called Flights of Angels also written by Chris
Claremont. I also like John Byrne's reimagined cover for this issue.
Condition wise, this book is in okay
condition, I’m just very unhappy with that stain on the front cover left
after I peeled off the price tags. The stain is the residue of the glue they used on those darned pesky price tags. I
love this cover on Captain America #383. Wow, I loved it. The cover
was gold in color, Ron Lim drew it and Jim Lee Inked it. Very
patriotic. The title is I am Legend. The script is by :Mark Gruenwald,
Pencils:Ron Lim, Inks:Danny Bulanadi, Colors:Christie Scheele and
Letters:Joe Rosen.
In this issue, Cap is following an old man
who has stolen his shield when he takes a trip through time and meets
American icons.
Condition wise, this is a nice copy, sure there were
nicks here and there but it’s a nice copy. Once I get some plastic
bags, these gems are going in those bags. Thanks again for reading,
like the broadcast if you…..like. Thanks, until the next broadcast, you
take care my friends.
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